cancellation & refund policy

Excess Fee Paid

Course Fee paid in excess of actual dues shall be adjusted in future dues if any or refunded within 15 days of payment or request from the customers whichever is later.

Fee Paid – Classes yet-to commence

Course Fee paid and the Classes are yet to commence shall be refunded to customers at the discretion of the Organization considering various factors. Deduction of Rs 1000 charged for various administrative purposes.

Fee Paid - Ongoing Classes

Course Fee paid and the Classes are commenced as per the scheduled dates will not be refunded at any circumstances.

Registration Fee Paid

At any cost Registration Fee paid by the Customers will not be refunded at any circumstances as the same is charged for various administrative purposes.

Transfer of fee

Transferring fee in middle of course to someone else is not possible. In such scenario the transfer is at the discretion of the Organization considering various factors.


At any cost refund will not be paid in Cash.

Contact for details